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Adam Kushtov, 17 years old, hostage taker...

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-10-12 19:08

Adam Kushtov, 17 years old, hostage taker...

The writings of Adam Kushtov – 17 years old and one of the hostage takers…

August 31st

Mairbek! Mairbek!!!!! Pack that bag quick and don’t forget the C4
We’ve seen war before and now we’re ready for more gore
You got them blueprints of the gymnasium and the school?
Check, and yea I also got the spools for the explosives, cool?
Cleaned ak47, Ossetia will be free from the oppressors by noon
Soon this country won’t be slaves under the Russian moon
We’ll crush the fumes that those leaders of the west is breathing
Feeding us with propaganda that our rebel forces are heathens
We just want our freedom and we’ll walk through hells fire
They oppress us with self admire and wire our homes in silence
This here will be the statement of our liberty towards our flag
We won’t have Moscow deciding how our boarders are dragged
Sjamil gave us this divine mission to free his enslaved people
Free Chechnya! We will burn all the Russian made steeples
So that we under one nation and one god all can be equals
Tho meek shall inherit the earth this isn’t no sequel for the feeble

September 1st

Pack the Gaz-66 with mixtures of explosives, rage n spirit
Semper-fi; "Mortui sunt ut liberi vivamus" plague our feelings
They died for us to live free ; we are closer to the destination
At a point of no return of an unbound and liberated nation
We’ve been given the ratios of around 1400 individuals as goal
But around two hours later we found our souls was sold
We was trapped with too many hostages that weren’t too old
the hostages were teachers, kids, janitors and other school staff
I plead to let the kids go but the others in the crew laughed
Fools had to get a look into the devils eyes to see what I saw
500 kids sitting crying with dropped jaws obeying our laws
The media are here, military and officials from the Russian state
Vladimir grabbed the camera and recorded statements in hate
He slapped the child and said give us our country back now
Opened the cam and threw the tape out the window without doubts

And the tape said: “we are the insurgents of the liberation army”
“Beslan is ours and we will by any means liberate by harming “

A little later, maybe around 1400 hours they killed a teacher
I said to do it under the bleachers to show we are no creatures
But they hesitated and did it in front of all the scared children
Making us look like some idiot terrorists and damn villains
They demand to pillage, let no one escape their harm n message
A note of freedom was put out to raise the alarming questions
The corpse was wrapped n then dragged through the gym
The blood trail after the corpse spelled the words cruel n grim

September 2nd

It was a cold morning and the fog was thick outside the complex
The kids inside was hungry, scared n screaming out of context
Yesterday we freed our demands and rigged the gym with C4
And then we sat everybody in a ring so that we could see more..
Getting better visuals of anybody making a move in this stench
The facility was drenched in smells reeking like a trench
Piss, shit and clotted blood please pardon I’m speaking French
This was one forgotten place in one way reminding of another
Negotiators was outside, ready to confide with my brothers
After a small talk we released 40 people and let them flee
Setting ‘em free after a promise to meet the Ingush president
We set off two explosions as warnings for the outside residents
Letting them know our presence so they could raise the questions

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."
---Albert Einstein