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Marus - our exuse

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-09-16 16:31

Marus - our exuse

vers 1

My life is just a stupid situation//
Im about to prove it with two sentenses//
first one: eye's operates like search light's//
two: burn the mic and you will shorly heart my mind//
know what i meen? you better read between the sentense//
my style is obscene, i will loose my inner patiense//
when a girl flirt's i will smile back and fart//
kidnapp the bitch, and hijack hear car//
drive around for a while to the boarder of denmark//
visit kristiania to smoke on the safe spot//
the bitch i forgot lying rotten in the trunk//
dump hear in the sea, what a pitty, i just hope the bitch sunk//
now im back in sweden i will rack the sweetest//
sixpack in a shop get drunk and chat with jesus//
my intellegence prevents me from beeing a legal//
father with a family i just want to get drunk//

vers 2

i promissed id'e be back, i told u cowards//
now tell me are kelly a big fan of golden shower's//
you got no breath controll like austin power's//
braindead my braincell's has been lost for hours//
4 kids in the crew apears with two voices//
2 kids in the crew skizo with two voices//
im sleepwalkin' every bitch in the room get's deep throated//
i just love it when my sister aranges a sleep over//
good for me huh? there is a crack in the system//
no wonder people stays commited when there is crack in the system//
lean back and just listen, 10/4 roger that//
im a rapper im marus hedding for a golden platt//
pick-up is dead i can see him dangling in the sealing//
i can see him in the bedroom hanging all speachless//
im a murderer, got more hit's then lycos//
just being a human being and everyone likes us//

japp, d va d
