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OneKey - The Announcement [16 bars, eng.]

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-09-16 12:05

OneKey - The Announcement [16 bars, eng.]

Spreadin' death, gettin' ready to fight with my featherpen
n' slap you so hard, you'll hit the ground in Neverland.
Start runnin' - 'cause you can't hide behind your moneystacks.
2M - we be rollin' trees like lumberjacks.
Call me a rockgod, 'cause I'll allways be the top dog,
from the rock bottom to the top of the popcharts, I'm...
shinin' bright even when it's pitch dark...
creatin' magic n' I'll use my witch craft...
'cause I'm a rapwizard, allways got a trick up my sleeve,
and listen to me, 'cause I'm litterally a figure of speech.
In the battlecypher I'm the lord of the ring,
I'll separate you from your head with a flyin' horsekick.
Spittin' raw shit, the kings of the East Coast,
Step up? We'll turn your dogs into chinese meatloaf.
OneKey - 'nough said. You're fake like Pamelas titties,
I'll slay your ass with the hammer n' sickle.
Wankie Pankie's back again..
Now drop some hate, folks...

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