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trimmad - think

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-09-13 23:33

trimmad - think

Lite snöig text som är tänkt som en audio, så alla som vill gnälla på rim och att raderna inte är jämna kan lämna nu.
Feel the flow!

Can't sleep when I got something to wake up to
everything goes in slowmotion and just blocks you
and when you wake up cold n' sweathy
you want someone there there to hold you steady
and I can see it clearly, even tough it's hidden
with those big blue eyes lookin' at me as a kitten
we can make it work even tough we are different
we can make the days bright, only by listen
and after a nights sleep, you're closer to the coffin
and some days it feels quit, even tough we're talkin
Everybody sees the surface, but not what's hidden under
I can see the world change only by lookin' at my little brother
but still we make it pass by, way to easy
tricked by the thought that a nice car would please me
The world is going under, and we're stucked in the boat
people wanna see changes but they are to affraid to vote
