Jag tar mod till mig och postar...
Vore kul eller inte kul att få kritik. Tack eller otack på förhand.
Här vilar hjärtat
Här vilar hjärtat, fortfarande dunkande
Emot tolv kuddar i dun
En hetsig och livfull kropp drunknade
Sjönk och fann sitt lugn
Havet vaggar den till sömns
Bland tusen alger
Kroppen återfår sin balans,
och sina tusen detaljer
Och uppe på bryggan står själen
Ser ner över det stora blå
Och vet att något bättre än den världen
är svårt att uppnå
Lämnar sedan platsen
med en sista blick i backspegeln
Styr sedan vidare sitt fagra skepp, vidare mot sin evighet
med hissade segel
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Soon it will all be over!
Look how they bleed, souls walking around in their own footsteps.
Without a goal, without to know what is true happiness.
Bloodshed blue eyes, which can not see, what should be seen while looking in the mirror.
Empty shaped bodies, which can not be, what they want to be, their bodies lynched in terror.
Hiding behind walls of greed, tries to spread their seed, love machines, who knows not love
And all the time to comfort me, I say they are not me, I’m just an other kind
Although I know in heart and mind, I’m just the same as them, but I prefer being blind.
Time has always been time, but we don’t know anything about it,
The only thing we know is that it passes by and we can’t do anything to stop it.
We think we changes, we learn to hate our old “ourselves” see them as strangers.
We are new people now, in better shape in a new special edition
We’re trying to forget our old ideas and dreams our old visions.
We find it hard taking decisions; think a choice will change our future.
We make a whole lot of noise, fussing about stupid things and believe we’re standing over the nature.
Someday it will hit us back, in a cold blooded attack, and nothing can save us
The only thing we can see is the earth that becomes a grave to us.