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M.R.Q. - Severe facts

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-08-04 15:10

M.R.Q. - Severe facts

En vers ur min senaste låt " Severe facts"
Lägger upp den på audio när jag kommer hem...

There's a devil amongst us
with humongous power, a monster
in the final hour he captures you
wether your taste is sweet or sour
he comes in all shapes
red, green, blue pills or powder
either he shoot you ill like cupid
or you smoke him 'til you stupid
your current friends he'll ruin it
your currency too and jewelry
your relationship worked smoothly
'til engagement-ring turned doobie
most thing work in small doses 'til they usually
grow, we all know this
still you choose to fool small roses
who aren't grown with thorns yet
no chance to defend themselves
destroy yourself if you want,
but don't you dare to touch my seeds
it's different definitions of needs
which makes people do evil deeds
greed, or just a chance to feed their kid
there's slippery streets
so watch where you're goin'
or go inside it's bedtime
everyone wants to shine
let's shine together, gather around
we're all bound together in time
like a mother to her child
my style is never cocky
I move fast forward like kawasaki
party on saturday, anxiety on sunday
I live one day at a time
like I see death around the corner
there's threats all across the borders
waitin' for the next chance to pull me in
you've fooled many men
but you won't fool me, truly!

Straight from the Suarn!