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2 olika texter...DOSH och Killa!! A its soo nice

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-08-04 13:56

2 olika texter...DOSH och Killa!! A its soo nice


mi have a new style mi tink fi call dosh
when unno peep a hear it dem shout out Oh gosh
mi have a new style mi tink fi call dosh
when unno peep a hear it dem shout out Oh gosh

So why did mi waah name it dosh, mek nuh sense
caw I like how it sounded ruff, stylish but not to tense
I also thought I coulda mek money, well it depends
if I released a record wid a picture of POSH
but the people would say im stupid even dense
So why mi waah name it dosh, explain it betta
I had big plans calling it Ford but law suits afta
neva mi could aford, so I kicked it in a way odda
but ther it was like a flash worth cash? No, but i settled fi DOSH

Penetrating I mind, I warn yuh don't try
Personate sumting dat is not yuhrs, I warn yuh don't try
Be real, well I am coz I am alive
mi mood go up and sumtimes it dive
Penetrating I mind, I warn mi self don't go dere
what I would find is not worth the work of try handle and even more bare
so keep living mi life inna bubble jus of it I care..
Is dis di moody style I was calling dosh
if, I probably scrap it down di toilet flush
I jus waah show yuh sista gal mi style dat crush
a way to enjoy could be to chew bout 2 kg mush
I actually thought I could rhyme and get a flow
I was missled by the ideas of my messed up know how
betta go eat mi foot cos I dat I need thou
betta dat then mi new style so I go now

Dosh is dead befor it even born....RIP

watch di first line
betta come late then never in time
from never never land I push crime
sting an teef away ahh now its mine

accusing me of rephlex di murdarar
I an I a reason dis, hear mi answa
A yuh nuh good nuff fi defend yuh crown
a kill kill in di dark, a knife inna mi palm

yuh gone mi done all space is mine
I love action when mi flash out mi line
satisfaction when yuhr blood pon di streeta
sell it inna jar and yuhr head ova counta
rest of body parts to heat up mi casa

Ahh!!!! nice it is, let tempa out to in open air
absorbe di whole world out dat is dere
electro shock about thousand ampere
MAAAN mi no dun wid di wiggle
likkle bit more without obstacle
SOOO, bring back di kill kill, blood now look brown like pickle
yuh bring pon yuh when mi yuh a niggle
but dat is to be it mi now fi stop di hackle
time fi duss yuh wid burning licker
mi lighta flash up, lets crush di bottle
poure ova di dutty body..smell di flesh it goes melty melty.

yuh gone mi done all space is mine
dis is a ritual and not a crime
examinate di proof and dere is none
Sad innit now dat yuh are gone

Some people consider me crazy. I don't like that word.
It leaves a acrid taste when spoken.