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Joto - Spöken [16 bars]

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-08-04 08:20

Joto - Spöken [16 bars]

Läs och njut av mystiken...

Let me tell you a scary thing, ghosts exists//
and the most that is, avengers that you dont resists//
They aint invicible sheets, they are souls in a shape//
and they show´em at eight, gouls with a fate//
Some exist for revenge, some wanted to take a farwell//
to a certain person before they fall into the last dwell//
The time has passed twelve, just some seconds left//
and if you see me,dont run, I just want us to become friends//
I recomend that you start to believe, and achieve//
because ghost exists, I exist, do you want to be just as me//
They visit your dreams, leave marks in your mind//
and after a time, will you not be known as the old sure guy//
and when my time has come... I guess it´ll be lonely//
and the last time a homie is trying phones me//
He´ll be sure that he is to late when he hears the beeping//
I´ll become a ghost instead of climb in the last dwell, I aint

Joto från OneStepHigher

When Life Gives You Lemons You Paint That Shit Gold