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n0xn - Then I hope that you will cry

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-07-30 17:31

n0xn - Then I hope that you will cry

I love you with all...
all of my heart
my friend knows all..
all... about it,

So I should not...
drag things behind your back
but my own confesion is
to hard to let out from my heart

always a big smile
with only you on my mind
without a single problem ...
slowly floating down the street ...

oh oh oh oh
no you, don't doubt it I would die
oh oh oh oh
and if i die, then i hope that you cry..!

I remeber...
when it was you and me
it was years ago...
and i really miss thoose times

I love you...
just like I love the sun, the world, my mind
and I want you to see it all
so come with me...

move within me
feel my soul, my eyes, my heart
come undone and fill me...
with the love that you have

oh oh oh oh
no you, don't doubt it I would die
oh oh oh oh
and if I die, then I hope that you cry

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