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När -Trikkantolala- pratar engelska {[LOOVE]}

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-07-30 15:00

När -Trikkantolala- pratar engelska {[LOOVE]}

He´s alive, but you see the fading soul in his eyes
Whether he´ll survive is just a roll off the dice
She left a hole in his life, walking out that door
Without her caring he began falling down that morn
Tremendous preasure, she was a delicious treasure,
but became a victim of his malicious pleasure
The regrets he gets is not of this world
Whants to take back a lot of his words
But the words were said and the hurt were done
Gone are the days when he were the one
He´s not healing, staring apathetic at the ceiling
He´s grieving, needing a pathetic little feeling
A pathetic little feeling he once felt called joy
But now he ´s all coy feeling like a small boy
Stone cold, he´s now wrapped in his cocoon
Banning sunlight, craving for the blue moon