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Short story of love & pills ;D

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-07-28 21:37

Short story of love & pills ;D

im thinking back of the times we had
when we didn´t fight and none of us were mad
when you could look me in the eye and say you love me
when you could kiss me, touch me , chill with me and hug me
when we could be with eachother without having raw sex
when my mind all the time wasn´t like a fucking vortex
i dont´t really know at the time where we stand
but i wish for once you could love me and hold my hand
cause im getting anxious i want to be with you all the time
and i know you want to,but you cant admit it, you cant deny
everytime i see you, you give me the thrills
and all of this thanks to those fucking p-pills

:P Biverkningar you know

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