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-Shadowns over Cydonia-

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-07-28 03:03

-Shadowns over Cydonia-

Shadows over Cydonia, while the face of Mars smiles
Towards Giza through harsh skies….gargoyles still cry
Weaping over lost times surrounding Euphates and Tigris
By the great plains of mesopotamia ex libris blizz divine
Units formed, from pentagrams to uniforms, Written on tiles
sumerian cuneiform about Tiamat splitting the signs
riddles confide in messages spoken…mixing the water
half breeds formed of man and those fixed from the father
Sun god’s: anunnaki and man began ruling this earth
With pure blood so spiked with genes it fueled the births
The peoples then traveled far and wide, taking positions
Creating the visions that today is following plans written
Call it a prophecy, but these outcasts will turn the fiction
As the dawn of a new age reveals to burn this eviction
This black hole will evolve into a great mass of destruction
As the three sides of the triangle states the crass reduction

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."
---Albert Einstein