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Blizz the Divine - A story of peace

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-07-27 02:34

Blizz the Divine - A story of peace

~Middle East 2300hrs 33º North of a big Capital~

*Admiral, charge the damn left flanks beyond the sand banks*
Man I left thanks to these danked n banned shanks…TANKS!!
Left to the bandwagon, dragging the feet cross the gravel
Boss we battle, no time to cackle, toss me the rifle and aim
A side post, two armed guards and a lamp lighting the maimed
Putting a round in the chamber, aiming, flame from the muzzle
Putting one guard to the puzzle by a piece in his brain muscle
One down, one to go, reloading, bang…shutting the lamp
The man next to me stuttering, cramps, bloody and damp
Buddy relax, stay with me here man, medics is here, split to the van
Shit on his pants, piss stank when he ran, shot in the arm
He left his grenades and a picture all forgotten from harm
Atleast he had his dog tags and he won’t get bumped back
He’ll get a safe trip to his home over the seas, I can’t front that
Now, the tower is cleared, time to take this old town down
Captain we’re ready to charge from these brown mounds

~Middle East 0500hrs inside the Capital~

A silent street, a violent seige, doors open, a child that weaps
attacks ain’t mild and sweet, feets of piles, smiles that reeks
corpses of injustice, slain in vein; now the tyranny speaks
I admire the weeks..we had, I know all this hate seems mad
Greet dad, say I’m fine and all that is left is close to peace
Give mom a rose and treat her to the boat, meet me please
Bombs whine in the skies the breeze heat as we speak
I know we’re some heatens and freaks, slaying for cash
Seeking our prey in the ash, of a country dismembered…
By members of friends and not foes since december…
We wander over fallen trees, burnt cars and brick houses
Dead bodies, turned hearts like conflicts between spouses
Blood on the walls, as if satan painted a picture of torment
Stained with loss, a city inflicted with boredom where gore went
We brought tents, placed them and respired some more stench
I hate this war this is the every day of the corps in the trench

~One year later…home safe…~

This is the story of men, fights for injustice rightfully claimed
Fighting the blaimed for the rights of the freedom that came
Now, after seeing my name, on the plack and the medal
Looking back to the days, the correlation attack and the ghettoes
Truth will be told, the goal of the army had the future in hold
We were bold men holding the scolded flag till news would fold
The war is over, civilians is safe, we raped the governing force
The Covenant’s bought, we brought serenity and love from our lord
Looking back, this warfare was bogus we killed for what cause?
Laws in another country filled from what clause? Only our flaws…
Our paws only scratched the surface of a nation in chaos n war
And how we ripped it up now it’ll probably fade to the core
We smashed a leader the fed on bloodshed and fright
loving the might from our swords, the mud bled from fights
a people in tears, now keeping hate in the bloodlines
and we still got heroes and faith while we dub knights…

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."
---Albert Einstein