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n0xn - Long time numb

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-06-30 22:37

n0xn - Long time numb

Long time numb

My blessings never comes enough to become a long time numb
I am hunted of problems that I believe I can solve on the next page
in a other stage, when I carrie on my smile that doesn't lie
right now, other things is beating on my way to frayed conscience

Jump on my soul, spit on in, do what ever you want to
you can waste as much time as you want to because my life is out
in the free, speculate about how i will use the time,
The time, when I finally is lost no more, and how my life will be

will collect all my force during the wintertime
once more, I will taste on a other feeling then uselessnes
that time, is the only time, I can reflect to my life
i can speculate on how I will forfill the rest of my time

The time is gone now, no longer does it exists for me,
Because I don't like things that is running away,
the most comfortable in life, would be if I was able to uncome hate
and if i could love something, that not gives me depression

Om man frågar vem Du är, svara:- Jag är grabben, som lever.
Och om dom frågar vad gör Du, så svara - Allt och ingenting, jag lever i tiden..."