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en liten grejj

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-06-30 14:36

en liten grejj

to many people has dreams but no choises/
to many people got speech but no voices/
Forced to live their life like they were animals/
While the government fiest uppon the people like they were cannibals/
Take from the poor and give to the rich…/
What do you tell the people that’s hungry?, huh? “life’s a bitch”?/
Like a reversed robin hood society/
Where we desperatly, trying to hold down the minoritys/
And what about the freeing of the slaves, I must have missed it,/
cuz from where im standing, it sure looks like slavery still existed/
Still, work our asses of, to make a company profit,/
Still, the bosses making a fourtune, while the workers aint making horse shit./
a while ago I read about a single mother who lost her ambition/
life seemed hopless, drugs blured her vision/
she made her decision, to kill her pain/
5 kids dragged them up to the roof in the rain/
took one last look in the eyes of her own son/
then with love, threw them out to their death. one by one/


Next subject, the legal system, corupted as hell/
Try to picture this; the rest of your life stuck in a cell/
Life without parole, how does it seem?/
Your whole life, for a offence you commited at the age of seventeen/
like Shaka Sankofa, now he´s gone, man/
tho´ he had 6 eyewitnesses claiming he was´nt the gun man/
the state took his life beause he fitted the frame/
that´s the throuth.. read the court files.. a man was killed in vain/
it´s insane how we act, when shit like this happends/
"as long as it dont consern us.." it´s okey for kids to play with weponds/
but the cold fact is that it conserns us more than we know/
who gonna save you, when you´re stuck on death row?/
trapped in the system, it aint as fancy as on television/
it aint an episode of OZ, it´s your life! so listen!/
we need to put our energy on to change´em one by one/
burn the death penalty, let jusitice be done/

ska komma på ref o sista versen.. va tycks?

and THAT you can quote...