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Fillay Nordes - Insanity/Sanity [Eng, 2 verser]

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-06-29 12:36

Fillay Nordes - Insanity/Sanity [Eng, 2 verser]


I don’t think myself as a schizophrenic
More like a werewolf who’s pathogenic
Hexed a whole generation and the spell was strangulation
In this nation you must pull the trigger without hesitation

That sucker who lives in me is a snitch
He’s the one who makes my brain glitch
If he wasn’t me I would cut, stitch and throw him in a ditch
In the morning I become him, a freaky moral switch
Without warning I decapitated his soul
I’m in control, finally accomplish my goal

At the Abu Ghraib facility the Iraqis had forgot about Allah
Without a single flaw I ripped of their jaws with a jigsaw
Troopers just stood and watched in awe, ignoring the fact that I was breaking the law
But when media made the whole thing sweaty
I piled them up like spaghetti and lay out some bouncing Betty’s
Made my unit scapegoats and sneaked thru the back
Float along Tigris in a canoe not leaving a single track
Put up a smile, that wasn’t even close; I got away with ease
Move to the next scene like a fucking disease


My eyes are twitching; haven’t slept for a week
Searched and found sanity but couldn’t reach
My skin is itching and I feel stiff
No point in living rather bounce of a cliff
Jumped off that edge with a to long bungee cord
Hit the ground like a sledge chicken out and cut the rope with a sword
I was torn, mourn and sliced apart
Reborn, but something in me had depart

Some coppers at my door, always coming at the wrong time
Not knowing that it is my vicious side who commits crimes
Like they cared? They just gladly put in my records
Got military service in Iraq, got to hate their methods

First mission and I got a burst to the head
Slowly fell toward the ground realizing I was dead
Last thing I saw was a tan man braking of my tag
My last words were yelled out; fuck the flag


Kände att andra versen blev den svaga länken, men men. Det är vad ni tycker och inte. (personligen tycker jag att lyckades hyffsat)
Aja, kom med kritik dra ut nått du gillar, ogillar, tycker är roligt.
Vad som kan förbättras med mera.

/Mvh Fillay

"I'll get the mexicans to fuck up Xzibit again if he don't pimp my ride" - Celph Titled