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tsun - lightning & thunder [poem]

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-06-27 15:04

tsun - lightning & thunder [poem]

she brushed my lips gently
something awoke inside, unexplainable feelings touching me
as she cries she's filling up my half-full cup with her tears
thy rosed lips are venomous, my love
like lightning and thunder from a bluesky she got struck
struck by the great feeling of regret and sadness
tears fell down as I rose far beyond transcendence
a surreal enviroment, feels like I'm soaring
she's closing her eyelids as I climbed beyond her horizon

though I shall never forget my promises

thy shall not experience the flavor of being inacessible
as long as my shadow soar over this infernal regions
thy shall not sense the smell of melancholy
as long as my spirits eyes watches over your personal nirvana
assembled but separated, this is an eternal intergrity
nothing will ever discrete our etherial bond except hatred
and my love for you is eternal
you hold the divine key to the gates, sweet angel
take me under your wings one more time, my sweet angel

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