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Tsun - Far away from,

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-06-25 18:43

Tsun - Far away from,

a coconut island, palmtrees infront of a bloodred sunset
far away from,
baseballbats inside the stomach of a nationwide slugfest

a light blue sky ontop of a never ending horizon
far away from,
wet pavement soaked in angels tears drenched in violence

a peaceful nirvana without nonsense and killing
far away from,
concrete melting together with darkgray apartmentbuildings

silence sorrounding the nothing beside snowcovered mountainpeaks
far away from,
freedom with boundaries where hate's running down the streets

far away from,
chained together ankles, prissoned before the slavery's start
dangerous sparks remain in the hatred of racistic patriots hearts

in a beautiful place there slowly broads a beautiful day
maybe today is the day it get's blown away by the great U.S.A

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