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Joto - Love shit

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-06-24 02:23

Joto - Love shit

Skrev en kärleks session... funderar på att skriva en hel låt av den men vill se vad ni om whoa tycker.. nå? Är det nått avv fortsätta på? =)

Im saving the day, because Im giving you answers//
Answers about chances in the life of romances//
Its you and me, I can see the longing in your eyes//
I call you because I want to be with you all the time//
And I speak in rhymes, trying to express my feelings//
My love for you is here, and they will never leave me//
You have to believe me, I want my life to have a meaning//
You and me all the time from the morning to the evening//
And I want you to see me, but I feel kind off invicible//
But that will make change, and It will be incredible//
And unpredictable, it will be more than just hard words//
When I see you I put my hand on my heart to see if It still works//
You are always in my mind, I want you next to me//
You are always in my mind, yes you are my fantasy//
I want to see your face, your eyes, they are just to well//
You and me together will be so hot that we´ll burn down the hell//

älska eller inte... ska det bli en hel låt text eller inte?


When Life Gives You Lemons You Paint That Shit Gold