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Tsun - Bloomin'

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-06-22 21:27

Tsun - Bloomin'

open but closed in, I'm growing a devotion to darkness
an ocean exploding blowing my only emotions to carnage
I'm slowly turning colder, I'm only burning slower
the industry separates the diamonds from the dirty boulders
and all they got is a bag of stones
and all they got is a pack of clones
searching inside everything, there's no other lifeforms
it's just my soldiers and an army of coldblooded cyborgs
we're suffering, starving when diamonds are worthless
we aint finding our purpose because nothing is flawless
and I'm chased by shadows, the pressure is rising now
they're growing larger when we get to the lighter side
and we can't stay inside the deepest of dungeous
freezing and hungry even though the reason is lovely
you think you need sunshine, like flowers waiting for bloomin
but we're ready now, fuck the shine we're creating a revolution

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