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Crew - To Mrs.Dictionary (18 lines)

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-06-22 18:36

Crew - To Mrs.Dictionary (18 lines)

Let me tell you about this pitiful girl, I´ll leave her really disturbed
Mrs.Dicionary ain´t got nothing to say, just writes difficult words
So hype and vocabulary are the only things this lady teaches,
But she can´t even make herself understood to native speakers
Then when she can´t find a good rhyme in the old dictionary
She´ll be like "Eeeh.. Yeah, let´s go for, eeh oprehlimesouliamary"
Fucked shit, like her punchlines... "keep it real, like wet dreams"
This female enemy of mine only "keeps it real" like netcees
Usually I chill like herbsmen, but now when curtains went up
She mentions Soul and I´ll fuck up...
Oh sory, Hwarang, what´s the name of your girlfriend or slut?
Doesn´t exist? What? Exactly like all your bitches?
Like everything you´ve ever claimed, being strong and wicked?
You´re a dead among us, of same age, but still a babyface
To real skilled clicks you fucking thin bitch appears as an little alien
Wrote this in my own way, you can´t cope it, call it your dope shit
Made myself understood to others, unlike you... The sold bitch.
Write "peroxide" and "obiutary", you faker can´t hurt me
Stay offline for a while and translate your own verses

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