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† Veteran av styGGe

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-06-22 14:07

† Veteran av styGGe

Vietnam made him a vet
But all he did he wants to forget
To enlist is the only thing he regrets
Now he walks in debt to the higher powers
Mercy is what he wants when he is living his last hours

All he wanted was to kill those Vietnamese
Screaming at them; GET DOWN ON YOUR KNEES
But he slaughter them all with his fists
That’s why he is on God’s own hit lists

So God wasn’t watching over him no mo’
Left he had for a long time ago
His life was like doing death rolls with the grim reapah
Wondering if he could possibly sink any deepah

He would never ever go back to the trenches
And smell death and lost, horrible stenches
Yeah, he set out the wrong course
And now he lives his life in remorse

But when he dies the stars and stripes shall serve as shroud
As a true patriot that thing shall make him extra proud

Ord: Första engelska texten, tycker den blev hyffsad. Funkar den och rappa tror ni? Isf kan nån gärna använda den :p (skicka meddelande). Jaja, ni kan droppa lite _KRITIK_

† Peace

"I'll get the mexicans to fuck up Xzibit again if he don't pimp my ride" - Celph Titled