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The pleasure was yours!

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-06-21 23:33

The pleasure was yours!

Is the animation of charismatic statues
His belt is full of anthrax packed in capsules
Pull his t-shirt up: a map of africa is tattooed
I jack-pot like your local Casino's cashroll
Full of humanity like a cannibal's asshole
On a spree like an average Joe with Amex Gold
Lyricism is a pitstop on the highway of hiphop
And my ambition points towards the sky... like my fist does
I had a destiny to skillfully fullfill
It was God's will
But some fuckers are always tryna iceskate uphill
"Big words this and that", stupidity plus roughnecks
"The Hwarang Syndrome" is merely divinity in a nutshell
I won't make a boohoo bye bye-song like GAIA did
I rather destroy my community like Watts riots did
That's me, young, cocky, hardcore throwing battleraps
Respect the elite and being arrogant towards the talentless
A few months ago I read a ML-wackass text
.. And haven't stopped laughing yet
Don't even try it, I'd back up spex...
Anek! I know you're hiding undercover like during your bedtime
Think you're making headlines, cos you rebel against a website?!
That's a good life you got there..
Fegon.. Seriously 49 replies for an average ass lyric
While spex threads die in a matter of minutes
There is something wrong, when a stupid song
Die last like Kublai Khan.. Fuck it, let's move along
Crew, I respect you, but dickrhyders aside.. You're surpassed
You couldn't get your come-back if you begged the spermbank
Done with you, you could never withstand rhymes that reckless
Now all I've got to do is buy NoNobody a diamond neckless
(You and me baby!)
Cutie pie, look out for an open love letter
Komik, Break loose from ML, you honestly deserve better
Not trying to condescend, but you created an awful trend
I'm not telling you that as a lyricist, but as a friend.
You are both aces in my book, Gaia and spex
You've got my attention and my undying respect
Like an overdose I leave you comatosed
Who's with me?! Let's blow this joint!
A laughing killer with little remorse inside
A drunk ass mofo with middlefingers towards the sky
A misunderstood genius! A bare knuckle fighter!
Way to go! You just lost your toughtest writer!

Effecting the cause for every second that's lost
Weapons go off, records are bought...

My lession is taught.

The pleasure was yours!


Me? What? naw, I'm the kid closing curtains
Perfect? No, I'm a brew slamming guy with a purpose