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Waffles + dålig text ... :|

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-06-20 02:14

Waffles + dålig text ... :|

First of all fuck it, you can never win.//
im talking crazy like David Schwimmer on heroin.//
All im trying to see, is how we all can be free.//
then drink enough booze and piss on your fucking cd.//
Rappers rap about ghetto when your´e born in Sweden.//
your plans get ruind by me, im always skeemin´.//
I rap so people have something decent to listen to.//
others want the same but still need to go to rapping school.//
Cuz im spreading like a disease im contagious.//
everyday people wanna beat me im starting to feel famous.//
im dealing with one rhyme at the time straight monogamy.//
This is just a reflection of my every-day philosophy.//
Cuz nowadays all the people i know got cases.//
that´s why im trying to live my life on a day-to-day bases.//

Bajsdålig ...

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