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Topic battle från en annan sida

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-06-16 19:57

Topic battle från en annan sida

Jibber jabber, still in space your voice will be swallowed by me
Follow the Apollo n see the incarceration of a hollow emcee
Embezzle your vessels so try to find the textures to measure
Inebriated by the outer space pressure facing this treasure
I’m like Vader at Dagobah n’ I’ll be the invading death star
your texts par with the weakest organisms in the system
You’re still fraudulent with precision aiming your lasers wrong
Facing the strongest of life forms amongst reptilians n greys
Delivering millions of rays slicing your gene pools n face
The millennium falcon of rap quick, spitting, sick, witty n nifty
The only craters of the moon you’ll see is based in Butte, Idaho
Mute my vital flows, the tidal blows will cause a tsunami in space
Bring the M.I.Bs; CIA’s you still can’t be harming my race
I’m a metaphor madman, banning your cannons from universe
Using my flow units in words to disperse your robust hearse
You took this to no gravity but you still fell thus your verse

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."
---Albert Einstein