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Came as two, left as one

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-06-10 12:21

Came as two, left as one

ACT I: The beginning
We came as two…

ACT II: Act of Love
I got a tiny minion, a minion that fulfils me, but you got the key to it trapped within your heart
And without a second key to open it, my minion will perish… Tonight was the night when the flames embraced the sky, I was holding the key and I painted a smile on your face, and my heart was about to melt, because of your intense energy… just in perfect harmony
I hurried to open your heart and the creature of love spread those majestic wings of flames, flying higher than ever before, beneath the howling stars…
Lighten by the flames it dives and plays in the sky, sprouting light and happiness over us…
Here I am, is this the truth I always have been searching for, it is clearly not a dream…because I can see my minion…flying…

ACT III: Premonition calls
It was when we touched… that made them ferocious…day and night, fighting for nothing, I thought…
Inside my mind there was a never-ending battle, between my mind and my soul…
Pandemonium was a fact and they both told me to talk with her…
The strength she had inside appeared from time to time, but something told me that she was sad so I told her to put down her walls for a minute, we had to work this out and it didn’t matter how…her face was smashed, her beauty was gone…
What she said never left my mind…and it never will…
”…They forced me down and undressed me…”
”I don’t know why my heart keeps calling, but it really don’t want you to stay”
…All I felt, vanished…leaving nothing but emptiness. I looked away when she cried…I could hear her gentle tears falling to the ground…

ACT IV: Fake Fairytale
She left everything behind…and there I was all alone…I wanted to call her, and I wanted to visit her, but fear’s barrier kept us apart…I managed to break the barrier…desperately searching for her
I had a dream…a dream where the sun pierced the sky…I could see angels, playing and always carrying those mystic smiles…a squirrel was collecting nuts high up on a tree, suddenly it slipped but landed on the wing of an angel…the angel turned around and here face…her face mesmerised me…it was her…it was my angel, so soft and peaceful…she smiled for the first time since…well it didn’t matter at that time…
She spread her gigantic wings and swept them around me
I couldn’t see her eyes, they were gazing…
Suddenly she said “this is not your fairytale, believe me, I have seen your fairytale…you had wings too”. I woke up beside a smashed female body, saw blood everywhere…whine red…
My body was paralyzed…I didn’t want to struggle for it, so I closed my eyes….

ACT V: The End, My Fairytale
I got wings and she got wings… we are holding each others hands…
We are leaving the green garden…. Now we leave as one…

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