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Write or Wrong?

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-06-02 13:33

Write or Wrong?

Reality has you shackled..
You're stuck in a scenic view
Trapped in a tower, can you feel the hope leaving you?
We're not made from Adam and Eve, kid, read the bible
Between the lines.. We're the fucking snake, slithering spineless
Brought slaves overseas and built America out of Lego
Then erased their heritage and placed them in ghettos
Now we have a million architects but not a single carpenter
But there's a window of opportunites.. and a pencil sharpner
Still in need of a sacrifice.. Find me crucified on a tabernacle
Just stack every word in a pile.. and soon you'll have a castle
Feed me drama, I'd gladly walk over a thousand dead apostles
And donate every dollar, burst through every armor
just to reach nirvana
Drift away in lines, fall down in the bluest lake
To awake, open your eyes and realize it's a pool of snakes
Escaping reality is a humble feeling, but don't fear me
Just be weary, cause this great jungle is decieving
Walk a lone path to raise your own axe to consume a braveheart
The trees and green fields can turn to tombs and graveyards
I let the pen pierce the hand that holds the sword
I provoke his lore and every written word invoke the lord
Effecting the cause for every second that's lost
Weapons go off, records are bought...
My lession is taught.

Me? What? naw, I'm the kid closing curtains
Perfect? No, I'm a brew slamming guy with a purpose