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Tsun - Paradise

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-05-31 11:22

Tsun - Paradise

I'm turning blind from the light from the hideous sun,
Can't hear anything except words spoken by vicious tounges.
Pittyfull and dumb, Only brainwashed lifeforms left,
Life and death erazed from every single cyborgs head.
Greenfields, Blue rivers, Shattered steel and flesh,
Blood mixing with oil on a beautiful battlefield of death.
A very last breath in madness, Once pure air poisoned by humans,
Weird voices intruding, The rejoice of the blueprint becomes sadness.
To this life we're given I'm high recistance, Find a different view,
It's the pittyfull truth we take minimal moves making life decisions.
It's a striking distance to the after life, Because we're afraid to die,
Just grab the knife stab yourself twice and visit me in paradise.
I said; I don't know where death might take me
You said; Do you know where life might take you?
I said: I don't know where life will take me,
And this road aint safe either.

You grabbed the knife, Stabbed me twice,
And I fell into your arms and found paradise.

I love you.

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