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Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-05-30 17:21

kickar engelska,läs och kommentera gärna

yo fuck it, fagget, u wouldnt win a battle/
even thou ur fuckin name was b . rabbit/
and the things u dream of? i allready had em/
so go back to ur dreamworld,u boldheaded bastard/
a reg mc´s takes three mins i do it even faster/
and when im done with u, man you call it a disaster/
my name is herbalisten and im tired of these rappers/
comin up one sec and´ll be gone ever after/
yo i aint musical but im married to the microfone/
i aint a millionaire but i am rapper thou/
dope called by many, dope i have plenty/
messing up verbally and the mess is overwhelming/
my first moments with the mic was love at first sight/
and you aint a survivor when i aim my burst right/
ur just another bitch try to hit on me on club nights/
i´d better leave you be, cuz ur a thug right/
fuck that man yo and also fuck u/
u´d better start runnin cuz u ran out of luck fool/
u´d better run faster than ur mouth talks shit/
or i´m the last one that u ever walked with/

lyssnade på the beatnuts- u crazy och började kicka lite,sen fortssatte jag på den

Jos lähestyt mua,pidä kieli suus ja pääs kii....