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2005-05-30 01:46

The Lick

Vers o ref.

This is the lick
spit words so quick it makes you sick
like two horses and a man in a porno flick
and like a kick to the dick
I have many balls in the air
to be fair I just dont care
whatever is my motto
why the fuck do I never win the lotto
I always get the wrong ticket
I hate my nose and I always pick it
Sometimes it feels meaningless
I'm a fiend on stress
can never really relax
I just see the ugly facts,
fake acts and turned backs
A beutiful lie
or the ugly truth
no wonder
drugs are so popular with todays youth
Sometimes I look up looking for answers
Sometimes I look up looking at the topless dancers
I might be a sinner
I might be a winner
It doesnt matter
I eat whats on the platter
But fuckem
they can take out my balls and suckem
couse it feels like I'm the king of the world
my hair curled
as she swirled and twirled
I feel more and more alive
as my new self arive
my old gets thrown in the trash
behold wits grown in a flash
It just feels so good sometimes
coming up with these rhymes

the sun is shining and its 10 below
it feels like summer was just a week ago
sittin here, blazein haze
sorry, there aint no other ways
to experience the old days

I was surrounded by powerful entitys of angelic emergence