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Blizzak - Untitled

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-05-23 02:36

Blizzak - Untitled

I screamed for peace but all I got was a silent war
A violent core melted in the guts of the asylums gore
I’ve stepped over miles of torn thorns as your born lord..
So take this as a warning for the storms formed
Children of the corn scorned, born n never mourned more
So see n heed the intrepid weapon of mass deduction
As consumption master functions as we’re slumping
Something for the masses, bumping, classless thumping
Blizz the loyal master of disaster fronting on assets jumping
Sky rocket, Lucy in the sky…this here is a pure gem
Etched to stone by the Gorgons still a Freeman like Morgan
Born again, revitalized, idolized by all the idle eyes
The vital cries echoes in the emptiness, what’s temping blizz?
Relentless, goodbye see you in another life my temptress
I give you the grass for you to walk upon, the meadows to love
From metal to slug, I chase the barrel of a gun n’ won’t budge

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."
---Albert Einstein