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Joto - A dreamers dream

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-05-15 00:24

Joto - A dreamers dream

tja.. jag har skrivit ännu en text... det är seriös shit...

Ey yo I dreamed a dream, and in the dream I was planting seeds//
Because I´ve been cutting me, to see how much my arms bleed//
I was planting seeds, they are called seeds of the human suciedy//
Because if I lose my life, the earth will gain a new, surprisely//
You can lose a precious person, and you can lose even more//
You can meet them in heaven, and talk about, days on the shore//
But think over it carefully because the only solution is not suicide//
You can get over it, but it is hard, like it was for you and I//
I have said it once and I say it again, life is a stupid game//
No one has survived it, game over, the thing that´s left is a name//
We are not ashamed, if we just do what we have to do//
But you will, if you dont listen on and care about your crew//
And other things in this dream, everyone had inner voices//
That said you where misstakes, that suicide was the only choice//
I could not stop them all, and that maked me want to scream//
That was when I understood, I was in a dreamers dream//

You.. You do not make that misstake//
They are getting many more, with this thoughts in my age//
And while I perform the stage, many people are dying//
Getting murdered, making suicide, or maybe just are trying//
Natural deaths, anyway the life is hiding in any corner//
Soldiers murders in war, but they are just taking orders//
So who is the scum that must suffer for every single life//
It is us humans, we are the reason that I cant sleep at night//

In another dream, I and my friends were digging in earth//
I heard someone scream, was he maybe getting hurt//
He was all bloody , so we didn´t dare to touch him//
He was praying for allah, I guess he was a muslim//
So we rushed in, getting bandage for all the cuts in his skin//
He had cutted himself, we gived him first aid, but we didn´t win//
He lost his life, but luckily it was just a stupid nightmare//
It was scary because it felt like I was right there//
So I turned on Atmosphere, listening and thinking//
If I were a kind off ship I would already be sinking//
And be a ghost ship, tricking people out on the sea//
Out there i would disapear and take everbody with me//
Like the japanese Kamekaze, suicidalbombers//
They took many life with them to the eternal slumber//
But still, still it´s just a thought in my and many others heart//
You do not want to kill yourself, you just need a new start//

You.. You do not make that misstake//
They are getting many more, with this thoughts in my age//
And while I perform the stage, many people are dying//
Getting murdered, making suicide, or maybe just are trying//
Natural deaths, anyway the life is hiding in any corner//
Soldiers murders in war, but they are just taking orders//
So who is the scum that must suffer for every single life//
It is us humans, we are the reason that I cant sleep at night//

ajja.... lämna gärna kritik eller kommentar...

kyss och smek.. :D // Joto

When Life Gives You Lemons You Paint That Shit Gold