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Joto - The 8th grader

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-05-12 23:28

Joto - The 8th grader

yao, slängde ihop lite shit.. :D hoppas ni diggar...

Yo I remember 8th grade in older days, in the autumn//
I was hated by everyone, liked I´ve killed their daughter//
So I started to drop lines, to try to express my feelings//
And a girl broke my heart, and it finaly stopped healing//
I was standing on the ceiling, cuz my life were up and down//
Like when motherfuckers screaming "i´ll fuck ya right now"//
And that is anger, anger bring feelings, feelings bring love//
And love is feeling, a feeling we get like when getting a job//
But the feelings of love can be bad, cuz love bring sorrow//
Like a day when a girl changed, why wasn´t that day tomorrow//
But fuck old memories Think on something else temporary//
Like a fucked up thing, why not a thing like Lesuresuit Larry//
It is a game, there is many games from the United Kingdom//
Im droppin lines that makes you shake, like Parkinsons Syndrom//
Nowadays, Dont even think about cutting me with a razor blade//
Cuz Joto the 8th grader will avenge you in the dreams anyway//

Ey yo whatever you say I am a motherfucking 8th grader//
Dont mess with me, I´ll use my force like master Darth Vader//
I am light brown shaded, I am the one everybody is hating//
For being good at lyrics and it is for me the stage is waiting//

Ey yo whatever you say I am a motherfucking 8th grader//
Dont mess with me, I´ll use my force like master Darth Vader//
I am light brown shaded, I am the one everybody is hating//
For being good at lyrics and it is for me the stage is waiting//

I have to leave the fucking streets and perform the stage//
Because it aint many that raps on the stage in my age//
Dont stand in my way, or you´ll kiss the floor with your face//
This is the grace, of the greatest discrase like you are anyway//
So Im droppin some bars, just like any other rapper//
I do not like you, so I bother you but it doesnt really matter//
Rappin as fast as a rabbit, and ending like a guy that never made it//
I maybe not can flow, but in lyrics I am the new slim shady//
You maybe hate me and kicks me in the face you must be punting//
Make me angry again and you will need a new stunt man//
I am the 8th Grader, that you never will be able to beat up//
I can still hear the audience so please DJ turn the beat up//
Why dont you beef up, is it to hard for you to keep up//
You and me in a freestyle battle, hold the streets shut//
Because the 8th grader Joto Is now getting tired//
20 dollars, give it to your mom for the last night//

Ey yo whatever you say I am a motherfucking 8th grader//
Dont mess with me, I´ll use my force like master Darth Vader//
I am light brown shaded, I am the one everybody is hating//
For being good at lyrics and it is for me the stage is waiting//

Ey yo whatever you say I am a motherfucking 8th grader//
Dont mess with me, I´ll use my force like master Darth Vader//
I am light brown shaded, I am the one everybody is hating//
For being good at lyrics and it is for me the stage is waiting//

hoppas ni diggade, lämna gärna en kommentar och konstruktiv kritik ...


When Life Gives You Lemons You Paint That Shit Gold