trimmad - come back pah'.txt
It has been 8 years since my dad past away
a man filled with love, so please pass this pray
I know you're watching from up there, I can see you
Every week, day and every second, I can feel you
I don't know why you left me, I'd just turned eleven
But I can see it now
I'm living your life....Dad, I see you in heaven
The rain over my head isn't from God, it's your glisty tears
save a place to me, cuz I'll be there in about 60 years
Dad, please visit me for just one day... I realy need it
So God, if you see this, make sure that my pah' reads it
Just a couple of minutes, that's all Im asking for
Just to talk about old memories, and play som basketball
It would be a bliss, just to feel your presence
Im asking you, like every night, please God, give me a blessing
And the words u wrote, it turned out to be a blessing in disguise.. I promise u...
/ Jonathan