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n0xn - seek and fucking hide

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-04-21 16:49

n0xn - seek and fucking hide

Should i stop to love the sky ?
should i drop my life on the ground and just die ?
I'll be in the dark until it all is solved,
cause my soul ain't gpt sold

to bloodsucking haters
my soul consist of senses
that creats love kraters
just as a nuclear bomb
split us and i'm sure that we explode

sugersweet lips and wet kisses
walk with my hand in yours,
love is a fucking sickness
only dressed in shorts and slippers

it's a sunny day, nothin to claim
without you it could never be that way

I hate myself
i hate myself, cause you can't love me,
i know you want to, you see,
i can read you,
and what i am afraid to see
will make my heart start bleed

i'm pretty sure what's going on
you mind is so shallow,

and as people claim
you love what you link to as child,
then I wonder how the fuck you experienced
the beginning of your life,
am I just some random guy,
that got stuck in your unspeakable lies
i feel small as mice ,
tired of the fucking feelings
wants to play seek and fucking hide,

Om man frågar vem Du är, svara:- Jag är grabben, som lever.
Och om dom frågar vad gör Du, så svara - Allt och ingenting, jag lever i tiden..."