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Kepish-That's why

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-04-20 18:16

Kepish-That's why

Följande text är skrivet till ett gryyymt beat!! iaf, säg vad ni tycker.. lär komma upp på soundclick inom snar framtid. :) ska bara reccas.. hoho:)

Verse 1:

There's a reason why I was born to hold a pen,
'cause words are about to choke again.
Express some thoughts, turn it to music.
You gotta loose it, let no one use it
See I could scream and shout, and trow stuff
But I write lyrics, 'cause it says what enough
People stop talk, and starting to listen
messeges are turning loud, you can't miss 'em
I got to do this, it's my freedom of speach
There's words and thoughts.I need them to meet
Feeding them with beats, and live like this
It's my way of life, I got to kill like this!
My heart's on the papers, you can even read me
But do you understand?Or do you need a meeting?
Back from dead and die, I gotta rap twice
You ask me how? I answer on a track and thats why...


I'm doing music, 'cause it's so powerful!
She's doing music, 'cause there's problems to solve!
He's doing music, 'cause people start to listen!
We're doing music, that's how we're expressing!
They're doing music, to reach out!
You're doing music, to speak up!
You're doing music, instead of scream!
I'm doing music, 'cause that's my dream!

Verse 2:

A little girl in her room, without any glory
Her words are true, let me tell you her story
Everytime she was involved in some fights,
she went up to her room just to write
'Cause it felt right when everything was let out
She wanted the people to see it but still not
She never told, 'cause the words were to cold
Before she choked, this is what she wrote;
"Dear friends and family, I'm up in heaven.
But now I'm in my room,taking a semester.
There's things I regret, like the poems,
to never put them out and let you know them.
I could sing, but i never sang from my heart.
But even though that I barlery talked!
You didn't knew my thoughts and my dreams...
my ideas.. jesus, you didn't knew me!


I'm doing music, 'cause it's so powerful!
She's doing music, 'cause there's problems to solve!
He's doing music, 'cause people start to listen!
We're doing music, that's how we're expressing!
They're doing music, to reach out!
You're doing music, to speak up!
You're doing music, instead of scream!
I'm doing music, 'cause that's my dream!

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