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~building the bridge over the river of distrust~

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-04-19 23:15

~building the bridge over the river of distrust~

Let us build the bridge over the rivers of distrust
Dead in the middle of what delivers the disgust
Catch my fists crush the surface of a happy ending
A slack repentance venting the envy of the sentenced
The courtship of life’s long lusts is deluxe today
I used to lust to say the trust is crushed in ways
N’ now the luck I face with beauty is an amazing grace
My sunshine is a stark raven a ravenous lark craving
Describing two birds for one chick, barking n raving
The animal farm of emotions digging the dirt, floating
Of all waters, mine has the blackest bottom of the ocean
A bright mind will still find the core of all notions
In slow motion I coated the splendor of the face I love
I recite words from above while whispering in her ear
God loves…while the whitening doves hover beyond
The horizon is smothered in blood just to re-spawn
The dawn of the time where I visit myself upon…
A pedestal at Delphi, preaching about being selfish
If happiness is bliss then Blizz is divine…
Hunny listen, cuz all I wish for is a Kiss and a smile…

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."
---Albert Einstein