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Nytt försök: Percepticon (med Audio)

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-04-10 21:14

Nytt försök: Percepticon (med Audio)

Eftersom jag inte ens fick ett svar på min förra så har jag ingen aning om vad folk tycker, så jag gör ett nytt försök, fast med en annan låt.

my team is the supreme
the cream on the cake
shake n bake
its like a dream
might seem a little of topic
but you cant stop it
we'll never fold like origami
calm like a cow in india
bladow I put em in ya
slug after slug
thug flatlined like i pulled the plug
only choice
made noise
or he might flee
hope you agree
apathy can be cured
if your bored
this microphone chord is the remedy
buying in never selling out
what we telling about
killing doubt
invisioning my mission
with precision a musician
with inspiriation
conversation on the beat
feet on the street
head in a cloud
hope somebody will be proud
when the crowd
scream blaze loud
what if I bowed
showed some respect
would you reflect
on the subject at hand
or was it planned disrespect
for me and my mans
who always represents

And this is what I do everyday,
walking around smoking hay,
tooking on a jay,
I cant help you find your way,
Im just here to play,

somedays i feel the pressure
but I still stay fresher
than most muddaphukkas
got no love for suckas
5-0 on my back
for the shit I rack
saying I smoke crack
whats up with that
one day walking home
through the streets of stockholm
I started to roam
couse the beats made me calm
it was just getting dark
so I stopped in this park
and proceded to spark
there must have been a narc
couse I got hit in the head
they got me fed up
I bled
the grass was turning red
becouse of personal greed
when I turned around no cop it was just some kid
who wanted my stash
my cell and my cash
I smacked him in his face
he cried like mace
blaze dont take shit from no one
so dont try something bold son
or you might end up in stitches
like mata hari snitch bitches

Anledningen till att jag lägger här är att jag vill ha kritik på mitt textskrivande och inte mitt rappande egentligen... så flytta inte till audio eller nåt sånt tack.

Percepticon @ soundclick.com

I was surrounded by powerful entitys of angelic emergence