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Wilén - Man, I was suppose to be serious

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-03-24 23:32

Wilén - Man, I was suppose to be serious

It's a litte bitter, but comes with something sweet
I'm the singel winner, and I'm rockin' toxic beats
I got plenty more levels, kickin' twenty four seven
And while your here, send a penny for heaven
Actin' heroic, wrtin' my rhymes with hieroglyphs
Got all the passion you need, plus I'm exotic
Makin' a playlist, crazy like matrix
shakin' the ladies and saving the savings
Got some weed, feelin' like the bottom of the sea
Livin' wealthy, but somehow, got love for the streets
Came above from the east, no that's north from the west
I don't know what I'm sayin', got a lawn in my chest
But while I'm talkin' drunk and high like frankenstein
I suck my pipe mixed with some pills called lucky sky
I'd like to say I love a girl, but I dont' know how
Man, I was suppose to be serious, I fucked this shit up
