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What's the fun in writing rhymes?

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-03-21 15:08

What's the fun in writing rhymes?

Gammal text, men hey..

People ask me whats the fun in writing rhymes?/
It's not funny, for me it's therapy and a natural high/
A way to display, knowledge, experience and pain/
All of the heart, devotion my lines contain/
It started with the fistfights behind the schools soccerfield/
Trying to acknowledge pain but the wounds wouldn't heal/
And everytime I tried to rely on a grownup or a friend/
They turned their cheek, so I stay silent with my paper and pen/
Exposing neglected thoughts in all of my writings/
People knocked me down, but I was slowly climbing/
Rhymes deep like the ocean, never holding back emotions/
With a pen in motion, tracks made out of years in devotion/
I dont battle rappers, I battle circumstances/
Enhanced and advanced to grab the my chances/
Reality seems like a nightmare in affliction/
As the pain and agony grew; HipHop became an addiction/
Not writing making the silent screams fatter/
My life used to look bright but now it seems scattered/
But when Im alone, nothing but my dreams matter/

Me? What? naw, I'm the kid closing curtains
Perfect? No, I'm a brew slamming guy with a purpose