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I could've died for you (mrs-blue translation)

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-03-18 05:29

I could've died for you (mrs-blue translation)

tittade genom forumet och hittade en text mrs-blue skrivit.I liked it and Since I'm bored I decided to make an english translation of it. well here it is

I could've died for you, I would never have lied to you,
I was so pride of you, I wanted to make a bride of you...

I look at the moon in the sky, choking on my tears
I feel blue and I cry while hoping you were here
I always smiled in your vicinity, I was in the presence
of divinity, and I thought it'd be that way, until infinity
When asked if I like you, I answered 'are you kidding me?
Me, you and love used to be a solid and united trinity
I could lean on you, and you could lean on me
I would never cheat on you, but you did cheat on me
And we told eachother, 'til death do us apart'
But death never did, it was you and your heart
I wanna forgive and try, but I just can't live a lie
So now I'm thinking, so what if I died?
Death was never the problem, but my resolution
Is to make it the solution, it's kind of my retribution
You were my breath and now I have nothing left
We traded, I gave you my all and you gave me death

Always look on the bright side of life