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Setting records straight and giving shout outs.

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-03-15 20:44

Setting records straight and giving shout outs.

Reality is wrong. Dreams are for real.
-Tupac Shakur

"Stop using big words you find on rhymezone"/
Ju madderfackers niid a diktjonäry; I don't../
Back for confrontation to contract the information/
So don't blame me for your lack of education/
You ignorant bastards with your ignorant battles/
Sitting on saddles and spitting your scatters/
Throwing pictorial matters to explain my biblical fabrics/
For the art of lyrical talent and spritual anguish/
Hiphop is a business but the measures are linguistic/
Asking me to tone my language down is jus'strictly simplistic/
This culture
Has been raped by unenlightened writers for too long.
Exploiting our yardtime.. but now it's time for the Dawn.

Shot outs!

Spex , I miss your texts with content and contexts/
I saw your potential long before you won that contest/
Saara , you need to take a look at yourself/
And realize your life is more than just a book on a shelf/
Aneksaphtesia , we've had our differences rhyme-wise/
We're down with the same cause and need to put fuss behind us/
GAIA and crew , the best is united fuck the rivalry/
During the years, you two have sincerely inspired me/
And to every P11 destroying B&C, you can suck my dick/
That's for you too, you nameless dickrhyding fucked up bitch!/

Me? What? naw, I'm the kid closing curtains
Perfect? No, I'm a brew slamming guy with a purpose