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2005-03-14 17:31

ATC- crap

Several times
These incredible rhymes
Flies threw these horrible times
No punch lines or metaphors
No gangster rap or pimp score
Not hardcore nor a dope show
Not an underground level or a space travel
Never ever will you be clever by this self second hand therapy
This becoming hystery
A long journey threw mystery

Mister indeed
I proceed
To seek leads to find trust in this outgrowing paranoia
From the lust planted in our heads
Trying to figure out witch figure must out

What the fuck’s wrong with you
Can’t you see this mislead
There picking one after the other out the line
Computerise our eyes to follow the commercialized signs instead of help people rise
Why can’t we get inspired of something…… aaahw shit

I’ll get tired of my self
Fuck you’re wealth
Help yourself
Go ahead and whine
While I whine
Everybody cry you’re sorrow out for a while
After this one time I’ma gonna change
How strange
That’s what I always say
My behaviour is an outrange
I don’t feel safe
I don’t feel at home
All alone
JayJay phone.. to the dial tone
Step into the silence
Afraid of violence
Hide from all self sense
I belong somewhere else
But donno how to go or where to start
Or is it already
Get steady
Game Over

~~~War, Hate & Confusion~~~