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A decent Life (Euthansia) 16bars [Story Telling]

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-03-14 05:16

A decent Life (Euthansia) 16bars [Story Telling]

Vers. 1

The mad decission to make, bad preminision of fate/
glad pre-visions he fake, "lad, u need-to-listen its to late"/
Intrusions of a decent life, his hope is out of sight/
Illusions of credence despite, this rope looks friendlier then the knife/
the disease spreading like pollution, hard to continue breathing/
seeze knife "helping is right solution", not a retard finally i "started seeing"/
"To commit euthansia, its restricted ive been reading"/
"I'll vomit", its like i assisted suicide, but its what ur needing?/
He hold my hand, cold and hard, like ice-cubes/
Told me to be his man, "be bold and dont trust lies about truth"/
"When i wake, anyway all i feel is hurting and massive pain/
Then they make me believe i so-called got anything to gain"/
"I will faint, i cant digest what u asking of me, im all peal"/
"Just kill me, it aint that biggest of tasks or deals?"/
Until im dead all i ever wanted is to pursue a decent life/
Not a in a hospital, haunted by nurses and needle fights/

Chorus/Verse 2,3 är inte klara än. Men borde jag fortsätta på denna?