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2005-03-07 13:59


So here I am again
Pissed of on the world I made up in between the lines
Draw lines miles from reality
My mentality was one with the weirdness
I couldn’t care less
My head was a mess
Did I say was, it still is
From living inside hallucinogen music videos
With eyes as the camera that captured all the big shots
Ears as the speakers that the music blew out from
Mind as the producer that came up with all the ideas to the storyboard
I thought I was the lord when I saw the things that I saw
Spend hours to have visions of the life
But as soon as the answers appeared it all disappeared
Even I disappeared, from my self
I became it, him and you
Didn’t know what to do so I kept on

Slipped away
The trip became my whole life
I was forced to take her as my wife
Then she took my breath
I had nothing left
She left me in the darkness

Right or left witch direction do I choose
I went straight over to the booze
For a while it felt there was nothing more to loose
But I was brought out to the light again
And faced the world as it really is
I found out there was something that I had missed all the time
Even tough I didn’t have a life, I had a life
That’s the only thing you need to know for sure
It’s okay to get angry and bored
Irritated or devastated that’s what feeling is fore
You can’t hide behind a mask for eternity
No good for your own personality
I have tried many different faces
Some different races
Ski mask, scream mask, dream mask, any mask
It won’t last
You will be seen threw fast with that acting
Won’t get the job at my casting
Feel the truth grip your heart with a blasting

~~~War, Hate & Confusion~~~