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Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-03-06 15:22


Det blir lite som det blir...men den kommer nog knytas ihop bättre senare...

But y'all remember the first one...

So tired of habits; he’s had it with maggots and such
Feet’s dragging these guts releasing the battery crush
Mad at the fuss, had it with tragedy he’s glad of the lusts
Seeing red, being blue and having the blackest of minds
It’s like sadness was literarily attached to his spine
Attached to the vines of life’s lustful Garden of Eden
Clinging on with hope for not fighting these heathens
Believing nothing when reading stuck not retrieving…
The thoughts of a great man, considered himself a looser
He had abusive thoughts since it happened but he…
Used it when rapping, spitted his share of beliefs
Oh Christ it’s just like mother Mary married a thief
Baring invariable errands of sharing the terror inside
Tearing his hive, smearing the glares to the life of a child
But we watched it with profanity, vanity stroked his chin
Noticed a calm outside but the Oceans stormed within
A formative normal kin born to win but lost the race
Lost his aides, the cost was paid for this unfortunate lost race
The last man standing ready to kneel in front of wheel…
Of fortune foretelling the terror and torture of being alive
Seen as a child but he was an incredible icon of divinity
He had hate in is blood it was stained without remedy
Enemies, plenty of entities plaguing this frail person
And who ever thought he’d end up in jail for searching …

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."
---Albert Einstein