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Drunken diaries pt.III

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-03-02 22:03

Drunken diaries pt.III

Drunken diaries pt.III

Like stranded people,
I got a message from the bottle/
As I sat with my thin necked lover/
My fourth drink crossed the border between worthless and perfect/
The sixth forced me to realize that purpose.../
Is beyond logic..
I gladly paint a picture out of a million words/
As long as you cocksuckers keep my opinions heard/
I let you draw the line between failure and success/
Cause I won't waste more energy on online roughnecks/
You cowards sit behind your screen all high and mighty/
Dissin this and that, but ain't got the spine to fight me/
That subject is dropped now, let me handle all of the rest/
I'm just your average hero looking for a damsel in distress/
I embrace the world's pain to convert the mind numbing/
Pour me another drink, and I can keep the rhymes coming/
I have more lines to send if you got the dimes to spend/
I let God imbue me with his will, so I put mine in Him/
The change of the tides will bring the age of the Lion/
Let the Legends Live through this plauge of throbbin silence/
Let the Halls of Titans echo again around Stocholms verge/
And whatever the Raven whispers I 'll kill the mocking bird/
I have went from Hell and back in a full throttle,
through the meadows of heartless artists and authors!/
And this is all just a message from the bottom of the bottle..

Me? What? naw, I'm the kid closing curtains
Perfect? No, I'm a brew slamming guy with a purpose