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Phoe - United States of Whatever

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-03-01 23:16

Phoe - United States of Whatever

Feeble randoms chearing people anthems
Respondant eager answers echoing against steeple barrels
Folks sticking their trust to anchors and rusted arrows
Believing that God patched up their old and busted ankles
These religous pirates, praying to god cuffed in handcuffs
Is getting told not to hold back but to trust his answers
Giving cash to the church as their backs being hurt
Though the fact that the world is being shackled and burnt
While the mutter grows dark and the butter turns harsh they're
Thinking God throws them a thought as he struggles for cause
Turning rotten and hard, worsening the worlds vicious cycle
Turning the mistrust righteous, making kids buy rifles
Trying to stur the pot but ends up with a worsened plot
Acts of a dominating nation leaving the world sturred up
How they skipped a mystic history is to be a mystery
On top of a pyramid, left without a responsible dynasti
Taking over the world, controlling the four fucking corners
Pretending to plead for peace as the war is long from over
States with selfappointed degrees they can't live up to
Is leaning back with ignorant pride as the world ruptures
and the saga continues...

In the blindness of darkness
I close my eyes, realising I can't change my vision
Left with a cocked gun, gunpowder pockets and a empty cartridge
I see the light at the end of the tunnel,
but it still doesn't make a difference

norman bates behemot
bubba fett alfred bello
arthur's detour azazello