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Ragge - The girl

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-03-01 22:23

Ragge - The girl

Go and close the bar, all we need is candle/
You and me so far, I dont want to be handle/
Take this chill-cocacola and drink whit me/
Lets delay our misery, for the peace of delivery/
I wish that the girl I love could see/
That I love her like she loves me/
Because it is meant to be, you and the fucking me/
Cause you´re the only one I want at night/
Stand up and fight, we can work it out tonight/
But only if the hole fucking shit to story is alright/
Your dreams are your dreams, no matter how it seems/
Therefore, it will allways be a meant for you and me/
Gallactic battlestar. I´m ready/
The realionship. 1, 2, steady/
She don´t what I expected, so I break up with her/
And with all her blood mixed with the tears, I heard/
It was the price I paid. And it was´nt worth it/
Look around. Nice t-shirt. No money in my pocket/
Suck it. It was over. And I´m the superstar/
It is better if they dont know who you are/

Testade skriva på engelska. Vill gärna ha kritik på det. :)