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2005-02-27 23:38


Har nyss skrivit klart en text till en låt som kommer att spelas in inom kort. Skulle vara kul om ni sa vad ni tyckte och om det är något som verkar helt sinnessjukt ofattbart. =O)

Den handlar iaf om en drömtjej och vill bara säga hur mycket jag hatar att man inte kan få den bruden som man bara verkligen kan föreställa sig i huvudet.

Inte så mycket smörkärlek som låter som, men feedback för fan!


You keepin it comin like a dark cloud (dark cloud)//
You keep me zombie, you're my starshine (starshine)//
You keepin me listen to your bullshit (bullshit)//
You don't exist, something I can't deal with!//

Always treated beings like yoh' shoelazes//
Won't give a fuck, thats why I go crazey//
Im'a go deafeat yoh' gap that won't amaze me//
Bad luck you filthy snake, backcap space me!//
You've reached your last bar girl//
You can't drive a fast car in my world//
Get up and realize! "Ohno! Another Robo Combo!"//
That's right, and I wrestle like a sumo//
The hottest spice, I'm not just a rumor//
Shut yoh' mouth girl! I hate your essence//
Taste my burst! Hope you wasn't my present//
I'ma use my shirt and strangle yoh' at sleep//
From the stars angel, I'ma dump you in the deep//
Sorry but I guess we were never ment to be//
Kept it to not be real, was never a part of the deal//
My way of the Vendetta, just how I feel//

For me you were never more than a vision for gahndi//
For me you never reached for cure, just fisted some of me//
You still got a place inside of me, you don't exist//
Wish I did a deed, ripped it out and put you on blacklist//
I wanna begin from the seed then the bird would be feed//
Hand me the metal face, get rid of me cause I aint for need//
Your worst disgrace, I'ma get back and act the Jester//
End up quiet like the wind, I'll never leave a message//
But neither will you so we better call it even//
I'm out of your atmosphere, gone, cause I'm leavin//
As you I never phrased you dear, didn't wrote you any letters//
Never realized that you wasn't fo real, but now it's better//
I hate you and from now on we won't need to settle//
I love you and I'll be gone with my double standards//
But what ever you ever say I'ma stand cursed//
The vendetta will never ever make it, neither this verse//

Tack tack.

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